When I was at a customer’s site lately and tried to enable the Windows Hello face recognition feature I encountered an error. After pressing the Get started button on the Windows Hello setup page Sorry, something went wrong was displayed without further explanations.
When I checked the Windows Event Log I could find a DistributedCOM error with the EventID 10016 which stated that the application did not have the local activation permission for the COM application.
I opened regedit as an Administrator and removed the value
and tested again. Then it worked! So I just needed to find out which AppX needs access to the camera. I looked up the installed AppX with the PowerShell command:
[powershell] Get-AppxPackage | select Name | sort [/powershell]
There it was the Microsoft.BioEnrollment_cw5n1h2txyewy AppX which looked like the app I was searching for. I reset my registry changes with a Group Policy update and added the AppX name to the value of:
After that I tested again and it still worked to setup the facial recognition.
Adding the AppX Microsoft.BioEnrollment_cw5n1h2txyewy to the Put user in control of these specific apps or the Force allow these specific apps fields of the Let Windows apps access the camera setting in the GPO under Computer Settings\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\App Privacy resolved the issue and users are able to use their face to authenticate on Windows.